Work Hard In Silence


“Work hard in silence, and let your success make the noise” is the most apt quote that comes to mind when we consider the patience of investors throughout CEN Biotech’s 90 day Quiet Period, ending shortly on Feb. 17th 2015. In the face of bashers and their misplaced skepticism, CEN Biotech will soon be making another strategicallyok well-timed spin off announcement, just days after Globe and Mail et al, released their latest barrage of desperate attacks in their attempt to destroy this multi-billion dollar company in its budding infancy.


Rather than extrapolate the gross disconnect between basher events, and distract investors from what is the most important week of this company’s prospects, this article aims to provide invaluable insight regarding 1) End of Quiet Period, 2) audited financials of CEN Biotech and Spin off Details, 3) Up-List to higher exchange, and 4) Fraudulent Health Canada Letter


Quiet Period End Date: Feb 17th 2015

CEN Biotech initiated its plan to spin off from the parent company, Creative Edge Nutrition on November 19th 2014. Per SEC rules and regulations, companies intending to spin off are recommended to withhold a 40-90 day quiet period. This would limit any inherent risk in artificial price inflation and potential forward-looking statements that may bias the pps significantly.  It is interesting to note that the Quiet Period prompted many bashers to instill fear and misrepresentation while the company worked diligently to complete the correct protocol requirements for the spin off. On Feb. 17th, CEN Biotech will have alas end its 90-day quiet period, giving investors paramount insight into the prospects of the company. Coincidentally, audited financials of the company are also due within this week, at roughly the same time as the termination of the Quiet Period.


Audited Financials

Audited financials are an integral component of a successful company and a well-known barometer that gives investors a great deal of confidence in a company’s business plan and assets. Audited financials, which have not been utilized by any marijuana company to date, embeds honesty and legitimacy to a company’s financial statements, enabling the company to be scrutinized meticulously by professional equity analysis firms such as Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, and Merrill Lynch. This is the time in which CEN Biotech will uniquely separate itself from other marijuana companies that contain convoluted financials tarnished with corruption.

Investors should take note that these audited financials, if interpreted correctly, appear to be readily available on February 19th, 2015 as stated below in an OTC filing by the CEO of Creative Edge Nutrition, Mr. James Robinson:



Up-list to higher exchange

One of the initial goals of CEN Biotech was to prepare the company to transition to a higher stock exchange. Bill Chaaban and his board of directors have uniquely initiated this process with the announcement of the spin off. The spinoff strategy in lieu of a reverse stock split allows for a share restructuring that yields 1) much smaller outstanding share count, 2) an increase in the value of CEN Biotech shares, and most importantly, 3) transition of CEN Biotech to a major exchange, leaving the “penny stock stigma” finally behind them. This will also attract new investors (i.e., ETF, institutional investors, etc) that have ignored the OTC market and were not generally allowed to trade penny stocks due to the manipulative uncertainties of that exchange. Furthermore, the exorbitant fees required to enlist in higher exchanges such as the NASDAQ can be an ambitious undertaking, and an accomplishment very few, if any marijuana companies have yet to obtain.


Up-List Fees estimated to be $1.4 million

To give a sense of some of these fees, investors should check the US EQUITIES WEBSITE in which a range of up-listing fees can be identified.  Investors have taken note that fees such as an initial listing fee (average cost $150k), annual fee (average cost $253k), number of shares outstanding ranging from 40 million to 550+ million, transaction costs, arbitrage merging costs (well over $1 million dollars), can quickly take a massive expense for the company. Investors have robustly discussed that altogether, roughly $1.4 million dollars has been utilized by the company to successfully spin off CEN Biotech from the parent company. This is serious, and an exciting monumental moment for investors and the company to witness as we approach the end of the Quiet Period. This date also corresponds to the first trading day of this week as well as two days before the completion of the audited quarterly financials of CEN Biotech and the regular audited financials of Creative Edge Nutrition.



Another piece of informative material that investors discovered is the  conspicuously similar information circulating through various media outlets regarding Health Canada’s POTENTIAL intention to reject the license application of CEN Biotech.

We now has reason to believe this letter may have been a fabricated document by a gentlemen,who had impersonated Stephane Shank and intentionally released false email documents to the Globe and Mail and other One investor explains:


For more analysis regarding this very interesting topic, you can find a useful article over on WWW.BASHER.WIKI for further details.

It is imperative investors understand that efforts to obtain this mysterious “HC Intent to Reject letter” from Grant Robertson has been vastly based upon one individual who may have been fabricated. This was not the fault of Globe and Mail, but rather a journalist who failed to provide evidence based research to the public, a quality that MMJ.TODAY seems to transcend in all published articles, which is why I am honored to be published here. In any regard, investors have seen many “scare tactics” which have become a repulsive attempt to manipulate the share price and worry long-term investors. Drawing a line in what is supposed to be honest and open journalism for Grant Robertson and his group is no longer tenable.  Instead of helping to ameliorate problems, by reporting both positive and negative unbiased articles, based on credible information, they have exasperated the situation, and if left unchecked, could potentially result in legal battles in the court of law.


Lakeshore Update

CEN Biotech has made enormous strides towards obtaining MMPR license within these past months. The ominously rising corruption and manipulation by some potentially corrupt council members has proven to be atrocious for CEN Biotech and Lakeshore. However, the fundamentals of the company are even stronger than before. Setting up one of the most advanced marijuana facilities in Lakeshore is almost like maneuvering through an obstacle course, and even more so with some potentially corrupt council members and residents aimed for one reason or another, crippling Lakeshore’s economy. Nevertheless, currently an OMB appeal process is underway in which CEN Biotech has a plethora of critical information that documents how Lakeshore council radically changed their bylaws to potentially halt CEN Biotech from growing medical marijuana. Astonishingly, the zoning parameters of the facility were previously designated agricultural and approved by the town of Lakeshore before the construction of the facility. The contentious and portentous act to retroactively change zoning laws to industrial will be a weak defense in the court of law, and shows the desperation and lack of professionalism of some council members and media journails.



Stay Tuned!

The audience of CEN Biotech is growing at an exponential level. The diversity of just the sheer number of investors has been unprecedented in any marijuana company in the world. Mirroring and contributing to this explosive growth is due largely to CEN Biotech’s competitive edge and endpoint transparency with almost all levels of the financial market. The basher regime are indeed becoming desperate at their attempts to destroy this sound company, but the drumbeat of success is becoming louder with each and every closing day.


Submission by: Desmond Fargo

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Disclaimer: The author has not been compensated in any way shape or form for this article and holds no affiliation to any company mentioned. The author is FITX long.


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